When you ask her what it's name is she says Caca ...which is what she calls Parker lol. And another time when I asked she said Poophole LOL!! So I've stopped asking cause I'm scared what she'll say next. It's not even her beanie baby. I don't even know whose it is..It was just with my old pile of stuffed animals when I pulled it out for her to play with. She carries him all over the house and uses fabric scraps she drags out of the craft room to use as his blankets. We decided it was a boy puppy pal since Caca doesn't seem like a girl name.

She looks like such a big girl in these pics..but just so you don't forget that she's still baby...

Here's Miniboss with Caca and a bottle of water which she got all over the couch and her onesie. I should have never let her play with it..but it kept her quiet for while and I'm all for the silence lol.